i just have an urge to blog today even though i do not really have anything to blog on.
i'm having wild tantrums these days. little little minor things seems to piss me off rather easily. go away, mood swings. i've just sent a complain letter to SMRT after one bus driver apparently tried to challenge my rights as a passenger. ha, come to think of it, its a rather rash act of the moment. i wonder how would SMRT reply.
i'm feeling much better alr, still weak and drowsy from the medication. i'm also tired from dota'ing every night, give me something else to do then? at least thats keeping me safe from the blades n knives loneliness has flung at me. life seriously isnt good at all now . . .
there's this something that happened quite some weeks ago but i just wan to rant it out.
To u : i dunno if you still read my blog, but i'm seriously disappointed after i read the entry from ur blog the other time. so after all those times, i'm just a fling to u? for all the effort i've put into our relationship, its hurts. even though so much time has passed and we've all moved on, those comments still brought about so much unrest within me. you are someone special to me, that i know i'll never forget. i hope i can remember you as that charming and beautiful girl, but you just have to scar my memory of you forever...
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