how sick and tired i am of all the partings. i just had to go through it over and over again. mayb this time, it felt abit stronger cos, unlike my sec sch friends, these ppl are the ones that i might probably not see again for the rest of my life. one of my friends is leaving and mayb not returning. words simply could not describe the kind of feeling. this is when every one of us hope we could turn back time, back to a time when everything could be going wrong but having each other just made everything right. take care all my friends...
prom was fun. stupid bp! took away something thats so nice from me! gRr.... everybody looked great. food wasnt nice, but the company was excellent. took lots of photos... did i mentioned yuhao was the prom king! haha, his Q n A was classic... lol. but great to see him win. presenting to u ... the king!
after prom we went clubbing. hmmm , was shocked by alot of things. grinding ?? drunk ?? not a place suitable for me... ha. here's some pics...
2 mountains and a valley...

sometimes the valley will grow abit taller..

happy faces

this is for you yishin!

3 couples and a bunch of loners

muahahahahha , waitresses . . . =p


time stopped ...

Best pals....


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