It took me some time to find a suitable heading to start this entry but in the end, I gave up. I'm determine to write something long today.
I've worked for 2 weeks already. I can say I'm a workaholic. I prefer going to work actually, than to stay home on my off days. Working has become fun to me. Its quite like going to school, when you're in it , you cant wait to leave. when you're out of it, you'll miss the fun of it. Now i'm just hoping the next 2 weeks will past slightly faster and i can get my pay. Seriously, its hard to earn money. You minus away my cpf , transportation and all my expenses, I'm hardly left with anything much. Thats why I'm on a thrifty diet. Absolutely no spending unnecessarily.
Working in this job has taught and made me realised alot of things. I'm only working short term, so whatever the job prospect is, doesnt really bothers me. However, some of my colleagues are there permanently. Its not that the job isn't good or anything, its just tough money to earn. I'm going to have to make sure I make my mark if (ever) I go to university.
Its also good that mine is a monthly pay instead of hourly pay. Sometimes we are made to do extra OT together, suffer this and that, but that kinda made everyone closer together. I just feel it wouldn't be the same with hourly pay where every minute is so precious. anyway, just to side track, my shop is having 50% discount! Its freaking cheap, come down shop ok. While stocks last! What are u waiting for ?!?! ( sales isn't doing well now, haha. must advertise abit).
We just had dinner with B gang people on tues. Its kind of like a send off for those going NS. Fast isn't it? Hope they'll get use to it and very soon it'll be my turn. I'll remember to bring prickly heat powder and Fabreeze or something. ha. i used to think army will be the benchmark for being an adult. i just feel i'm not that ready to be a grown-up yet. But i'll be forced into it when the time comes.
i'm starting to miss alot of things. Things that used to be part of my life and went missing. i'm searching for them. realised i've lost quite alot of things in life i've never managed to salvage. or rather, i never tried to salvage. i could have saved alot of things if i did try. sadly i didnt. now when i try to, many are no longer there for salvaging. i read this somewhere "letting go doesnt mean giving up, but accepting that there are somethings that just cannot be.." i've accepted too many too much...
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